sábado, 23 de enero de 2021

Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-being by Raul Llanos, MD

Spiritual Truths in Search for Higher Levels of Well-being by Raul Llanos, MD

This book is an expression of the maturity of my vocation as a healer and my profession as a medical doctor, that has given me the tools and the opportunity to find and to share more wellbeing in our lives. If we become more conscious of our awareness, we will be able to get in touch with an infinite capacity to create richer stages of being. During the passages of my book I will share with you, spiritual truths that I consider very important to be conscious in the pursue of higher stages of wellbeing. Throughout the chapters of the book, we will get in touch with our capacity to always expand our conscious reality. I include concepts that will help us to be conscious of who we are, and how to experience with more easiness and elegancy our holographic reality. We explore concepts of the importance of been more in charge of our day and night dreams, but mainly to be able to accept that we are experiencing a real illusion reality. The power of forgiveness, the love, and the celebration of the gifts of life are also included with the main goal of helping us to be more aware of our capacity to consciously create our own reality. To expand it in an un-limited way, all at our disposition. You will be able to understand that always will be more and that we are a precious conscious gem who co-creates precious gems realities. To learn more or order the book:
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