sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

The 'Lemon Principle' Guide to Becoming a Whole-Life Warrior by Leslie Jacobs

The 'Lemon Principle' Guide to Becoming a Whole-Life Warrior by Leslie Jacobs

In 2002, Leslie Jacobs and family made history. They became the first family in the world implanted with potentially lifesaving medical-information microchips. This ground-breaking event was covered live on NBC “Today”, featured in Time, People, and in the media nationally and globally. This new technology sparked conversation and controversy. But in 2006, in a twist of fate, her son, Derek, the digital prodigy at the center of the event, tragically died at eighteen. This personal apocalypse became Leslie’s ultimate test in becoming a true Whole-Life Warrior. Leslie has been training herself since childhood—improving her life and strengthening her mind-set and skills with the fundamentals of Clarity, Will, and Courage. This training blossomed into her practical, effective, and straightforward three-step system, The Lemon Principle Method. It is a simple yet powerful approach designed to help anyone confidently navigate this tumultuous journey called life and become a true Whole-Life Warrior. This self-help guide offers a way to train yourself to conquer your inner “Lemons” and successfully face life’s ordinary and extraordinary challenges, creating the life you deserve. To learn more or order the book: Facebook: www.facebook.com/BalboaPress
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