sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

Healing through Love: Miracle or Science? by Cristian D. Blendea

Healing through Love: Miracle or Science? by Cristian D. Blendea

The book “Healing Through Love, Miracle or Science?” is a collection of philosophy essays about life, four in number, like the arms of a cross. In the first two chapters we find out how should we relate to both religion and science, how to understand creation and evolution, how to perceive the essence of a human being. We talk about energy-information fields. As well as about soul, mind, spirituality, body. We are our feelings, our thoughts, our words and our deeds. Software and hardware. We obey the cybernetic laws of the Universe, we are a manifestation of the holographic principle and we have a fractal like behavior. The last two essays offer a more practical and easier to understand approach of author’s self-improvement model. We are working with the seven cardinal virtues to correct the seven deadly sins that are blocking our energy-information fields. This is the quick fix that everybody’s looking for. To learn more or order the book:
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